Frequently asked questions

  • Do the children have a drink and snack?
Yes, it is an important part of the Nursery session, water is always available from the drinking machines in the classroom. Water and milk are offered at snack time with a choice of fresh
fruit /vegetables. Snack is provided by the Nursery.

  • Does my child need to bring a change of clothes?
No, we keep a stock of spare clothes for children to change into when they have water play accidents and toilet accidents. Your child’s wet clothes will be sent home at the end of session.

  • Do they go outside to play everyday?
Yes, except in really severe weather conditions where it would be unsafe for children to be outside.

  • Are the children allowed in after taking medication?
It depends on the treatment and the medicine – this would be discussed for each individual child.

  • Do you teach them to read and write?
We work constantly work on the skills and development required for children to learn to read and write. Children will be part of our ‘sounds and letters’ programme, during their time at Nursery, dependent on their stage of development and readiness for the programme.

  • My child is not toilet trained, can they still come?
Yes, of course. We will work with you when the time is right to train your child. Nursery staff will advise on the best approach, at the right time.

  • Does my child have to take up all the sessions offered?
No, we advise regular attendance, but their 15 hour entitlement can be built up over time if it meets the needs of the child.

  • Can we take the children away on holiday during term time?
Attendance at Nursery is non-statutory, so we cannot stop you from taking time off during term time and there is no fine for doing so. But we strongly advise that developing the habit and routine of attending nursery regularly sets a pattern for good school attendance.

  • Do we get to speak to our child’s key Worker?
Yes, on an informal basis you can speak to your child’s Key worker each day at drop off or pick up. To give you updates on your child’s learning and development ‘parent conversations’ are offered each term. These meetings give you detailed feedback about your child’s progress and development.

  • Do you go on trips?
Yes we offer a range of visits and visitors come into the Nursery. Some trips are ‘learning walks’ to the riverside or the town. Sometimes we do whole school trips to a farm, zoo or to the seaside. You will be given information about visits when they have been planned and arrangements made by the staff team.

  • How can we find out what the children have been doing?
There are regular posts on our Facebook page. In the classrooms the parent boards focus on the teaching and learning for the coming week and you can support your child by updating yourself about what is happening, so that you can talk to your child about it.

  • Can I come in and stay?
Yes, three times a year we put up grids called ‘stay and play’ in the cloakrooms and you can sign up for a convenient day when you can stay. You can stay all session or stay for half an hour. This will give you a better picture of what a typical nursery session looks like.

  • When do I apply for a primary school place?
Nursery will let you know when and how to apply for your primary school place. This happens between late September and December of the year before your child’s starts primary school.

  • Are you part of Huntingdon Primary school?
No, we are a separate school and feed into many primary schools in the Huntingdon area. We have a separate governing body and headteacher. Attending the Nursery school does not guarantee a place at Huntingdon Primary School.

  • What if my child needs additional help?
We are well placed to observe and assess children’s learning and development. We have (QTS) teaching staff who have early years specialisms. If you feel concerned about your child, we will talk through together their needs and make a plan to support them. You will be part of any discussion made about meeting the needs of your child.
ICT Education
Healthy Schools - Cambridgeshire